Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Timmy Gives New Youth Center A New Look

On August 3, 2011 Timmy passed his Eagle Board of Review. Timmy led 30 Scouts and Parents in building a reflection garden, pathway and benches at the new Stoughton Youth Center. A total of 260 hours were spent working on this project. Timmy used to go to the old Youth Center and wanted to contribute to the new one in a way that youth could enjoy. An Eagle Ceremony was held at the Stoughton Youth Center on October 29, 2011 where Timmy was awarded his Eagle Scout Rank.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ryan Gives Back To Bible Camp

On August 28, 2009 Ryan passed his Eagle Board of Review. Ryan led 42 Scouts/Parents for 2 days to reconstruct a retaining wall at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp. A total of 371 hours were spent working on this project. Ryan has attended the Camp for many years and was excited to be able to give back to such a wonderful organization. An Eagle Ceremony was held at the Lake Waubesa Bible Camp on October 3, 2009 where Ryan was awarded his Eagle Scout Rank.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jacob Beautifies Vilas Zoo

On August 7, 2008 Jacob passed his Eagle Board of Review. Jacob led 14 Scouts/Parents for 2 days installing new landscaping at the Henry Villas Zoo, entrance # 9. They planted 6 trees and placed mulch around those trees. A total of 59.5 hours were spent working on this project. Jacob loves animals and is thinking about choosing that as his career. The Zoo has been updating many of the shelters for the animals over the last few years. Jacob’s project will further the updating to the entrance of the park. The Zoo has free admission and must rely on donations to operate. Jacob encourages you to visit the zoo if it has been some time since you went. An Eagle Ceremony was held at the United Methodist Church on October 12, 2008 where Jacob was awarded his Eagle Scout Rank.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Keaton Honors Grandfather at Conservation Club

On April 10, 2008 Keaton passed his Eagle Board of Review. Keaton led 98 Scouts/Parents for 39 days to build a shelter at the Stoughton Conservation Club. The Shelter will be used when the Club is teaching hunter safety. A total of 435 hours were spent working on this project. They also built two benches and a 12 foot picnic table. Keaton chose this project to honor his grandfather who was a member of the Stoughton Conservation Club and taught Hunter Safety for 33 years. An Eagle Ceremony was held at the Stoughton Conservation Club on Sunday, July 20, 2008 where Keaton was awarded his Eagle Scout Rank.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Frozen Tundra

The troop braves the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field on a frigid February morning.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jon's Birdhouses Add Charm to Hospice Centers

On June 13, 2006 Jonathon passed his Eagle Board of Review. Jonathon led 26 Scouts/Parents in building 30 cedar-gazebo bird feeders. Eighteen of them were for the Don and Marilyn Anderson Hospice Care Center and twelve will be used at the new Ellen and Peter Johnson Hospice Care Center. Jonathon raised money for the project from donations of money and aluminum given by friends, scouts and family. A total of 250 hours were spent on his project. A special ceremony was held in Jonathon’s honor on August 5, 2006 at Jon’s home to award him his Eagle Scout Rank.